terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011

Insistindo na insistência - Música: It's a small world

No último post, falei da atração It's a small world, uma super master clássica da Disney.

Mencionei que a música é chicletinho e ainda forneci a letra para, quem quisesse, cantar.

Achei até esse site aqui que fez um ranking com as músicas mais grudentas de todos os tempos e It's a small world tá lá, pra não me deixar mentir.

Mas depois pensei que se você nunca foi na atração, nunca deve ter ouvido a música e não saberá cantar no ritmo certo (e grudento).

E a musiquinha é TÃO importante na caracterização, que achei que deveria insistir um pouco nisso e postar um vídeo pra todos conhecerem BEM o ritmo! Hehehehe

Aqui tem o vídeo com a atração completa pra quem tiver com um tempinho sobrando (são 10 minutos) e não achar que assistir o vídeo vai tirar a graça quando tiver a chance de ver ao vivo. A imagem não é muito boa, pois é um vídeo caseiro, mas dá pra ter uma ideia de como é o passeio de barco:

E aqui tem só a música com a letra:

It's a world of laughter, a world of tears
it's a world of hopes, it's a world of fear
there's so much that we share
that it's time we're aware
it's a small world after all

it's a small world after all
it's a small world after all
it's a small world after all
it's a small, small world

There is just one moon and one golden sun
And a smile means friendship to everyone.
Though the mountains divide
And the oceans are wide
It's a small small world

A mensagem é bem legal e promove a união dos povos, a paz e a esperança. Chega a ser emocionante, principalmente quando se ouve pela primeira vez.

Pra mim, no final das contas, só ficou uma dúvida... Qual é o tamanho do mundo mesmo? É grande ou pequeno?  (What's the size of the world again? Is it big or is it small? => Porque em inglês faz mais sentido.)

(English version below)

Insisting on it - Song: It's a small world

On the last post, I wrote about It's a small world, an ultimate Disney classic.

I mentioned how the song is a known earworm and even posted the lyrics for those who wanted to, could try singing it.

I found this website that ranked the top 10 songs that stick to people's heads and "It's a small world" is there, to prove me right.

But then it hit me that if you've never been to the ride, you probably never heard the song and won't be able to sing it in its correct (and sticky) pace.

And the song is SO important for the ambiance of the attraction that I thought I should insist a little bit and post a video for everyone to know it well! Ha.

Here's the video of the complete attraction for those of you who have that extra time to spend (it's 10 minute long) and don't feel like watching the video will spoil the real thing when you get a chance to go. The footage is not the best, because it's a home video, but you can get an idea of what it's about:

And here's the song with the lyrics:


It's a world of laughter, a world or tears
it's a world of hopes, it's a world of fear
there's so much that we share
that it's time we're aware
it's a small world after all

it's a small world after all
it's a small world after all
it's a small world after all
it's a small, small world

There is just one moon and one golden sun
And a smile means friendship to everyone.
Though the mountains divide
And the oceans are wide
It's a small small world

The idea of the song is very nice as it promotes peace and hope for all different people. It can even make you emotional, especially the first time you listen to it.

To me, in the end, only one thing is not clear... What's the size of the world again? Is it big or is it small?

Um comentário:

  1. Lindinha essa atracão! Uma bonita.homenagens a todos os povos do mundo! Vale a pena conhecer!
